Monday, April 8, 2013


This photo was one of my favorite photos because
it tells a lot about the picture just by looking at it. 
In this photo you can tell she is either homeless or poor, 
and she obviously isn't happy. Her health isn't good either, 
which can be part of the reason why she isn't happy. 
I chose this picture basically because you can 
read the story just by looking at the picture.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Set Up The Picture

This is setting up the picture,
all you have to do is organize the people to 
where you want them so the picture looks good.

Use Flash Outdoors

This is using the flash outdoors.
It is supposed to get rid of the shadows.

Move In Close

The is an example of moving in close. 
Basically you just walk toward the object and get a close up picture.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Know Your Flashes Range

There are times when you should use your flash,
When it is dark, or the lighting is bad you
can use your flash to make the subject of the picture is visible.

Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds is basically putting the main subject in the corner of the Picture.
Doing this allows you to know more of what is going on in the Picture.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blurred backgroud

In this photo I am using the blur technique. 
Using this technique basically allows you to focus on 
main subject of the photo.